Let keep the momentum going after five straight sellouts with a solid six bout fight card for our final December 1st Fight Club OC show. This show has a couple tickets that were returned at the weigh ins and are available by calling (949) 760-3131.
If you don’t want to be left out in 2023 how about Fight Club OC Season Seats as we have great seats starting in the 5th & 6th rows. For a Season Seat packet email fightpromotions@gmail.com.
For the December 1st finale we decided to end the year BIG, bringing in the Big Boys for our Tequila Mandala Fight of The Night. This heavyweight fight will be 6 Rounds of Boxing featuring 6-0 (1KO) Ricky Frausto from Santa Ana, CA vs. Kaleel Carter from Huntington Beach, CA at 2-2 (2KO’s).

MMA fans in attendance will see the Pro Debut of Jeungjoo Choi out of Combative Submission Wrestling in Fullerton. Choi takes on Bryen Dao from Norwalk a veteran of 2 professional fights in our featured MMA bout set at 145lbs. Also fighting MMA on Dec 1st will be Lance Lee from Long Beach as he takes on Yannick Krahenbuhl from Huntington Beach, this bout is also set at 145lbs.

Back to boxing when 4-0-1 (2KO) Tayden “The Butcher” Beltran returns to the Fight Club OC ring to face 2-3 Trenton Gibson from San Antonio, TX in another 6 round boxing battle. 1-0 (1KO) Antonio Garcia from Anaheim is back in the Fight Club OC ring as he takes on Josias Ortega who will be making his professional debut Dec 1st. With our in-between Sponsor raffles where we give away a Gina’s Pizza, a Newport Rib Co. Hog Pack, a Descanso Restaurant Dinner and a Dozen Randy’s Donuts all make Fight Club OC an experience unlike any other combative sports show in Southern California!

For those that cannot make it to The Hangar at The OC Fair & Event Center for the Dec 1st Fight Club OC show you can still watch it live on Fite.tv for only $14.99. Simply click the photo below and you can watch the entire show from beginning to end.

Remember, Fight Club OC Thursdays at Descanso Restaurant, where you can receive 20% OFF Food for any table that shows their Fight Club OC ticket. Must have at least one ticket holder at the table. Offer Good any time 11:30am-9pm